First thing that happened this week was I went into town to get some ink for my work printer, because apparently it ran out of all of its ink at the same time :(. I walk into the store that supplies my company and there is this little old woman behind the counter. She had on old 50's style cat eye glasses, complete with rhinestones and as I walk up to the counter she says "Oh you must be the new girl from Washington everyone's been talking about." Wait, WHAT??? A. Do I really stick out that much I mean its not like I am wearing anything DC related and B. Who is everyone, how do they know about me, and why are they talking about me? I am like 98% sure I've never seen this woman before but she knew I was new to town. Not in a bad way, she was very nice and asked me if I wanted to come over for dinner sometime (I politely declined) but it was very funny, sweet, and unnerving at the same time.
Second, all is lined up for my first public programming event to go off amazingly!! This is awesome but also is requiring a ton of very quick extensive planning. I am doing Halloween Tours (they're actually called Spirited Tours) at my new museum. Which looks like this, in case anyone missed it!
Looks pretty cool right?? It's a perfect place for a haunted house esque tour. Especially considering there are literally a dozen ghost stories about the place and locals refuse to walk on the same side of the street as it. So I have been spending a ton of time up in the attic figuring out what stuff we have to use in the tours (like stuff they used in the past, not artifacts) which would be fine except like any really old house its not entirely sealed right so there are some bug issues. So to isolate that problem I've been freezing the stuff I bring down for 48 hours (standard museum procedure) to kill any possible bugs before I can use it. Well I finally was able to take my first group of things out of the freezer today and put my second group in! Yay progress!!! Alas duty calls and after getting them out I wasn't able to break into the boxes to see what I had to work with right away.
Later in the day, after dealing with the most patronizing, condescending, rude visitor I have ever had the displeasure to meet in my life (he literally asked me if I was qualified to do this job and asked me completely seriously if I could count and demanded I prove it to him) I decided it was time to break open the box. And Look what I found inside...
Hahahaha. There was a bunch of Halloween stuff as expected and it is my job to make sure everything still could fit someone (i.e. wasn't ripped) and all the lights worked. So I got paid to dress up and play with black lights today. It was fun. Oh yea and there was this hat too!!
Much prettier than me in a mask. Antwan really liked this pic thus reinforcing my belief that I was made to wear birdcage veil hats! Anyone with ideas on how I could incorporate them into everyday fashion please feel free to speak up.
Lastly, these came in today!!!
Look it's all official, I have a business card that says I'm a curator!! :D I was/am very excited! Well Mama Van Evra is coming to visit tomorrow for a few days so I'm sure I'll be posting some more with pictures soon. Love you and miss you all!
hahaha. It sounds like Stars Hollow in Gilmore Girls! I love that everyone's talking about you. Hope you're having fun with your Mom! The museum is so pretty!