Tuesday, November 19, 2013

With a heavy heart

I am not really sure how to start this post. I could tell you that the Halloween tours I created and directed when really well, over 300 people came and my boss was super impressed. I could tell you that I am elbow deep in decorating the museum for Christmas and that I am super short and that I have to use a ladder to hand stuff on the 9 foot tree my boss insisted we HAD to have. I could tell you that recreating a Victorian Christmas is harder than I anticipated and I feel 8 levels of overwhelmed and have four days to complete everything. I could say any of those things but the entire time all you're wondering is why does the happy go lucky jersey chick have a heavy heart.

It is because I have lost a friend. A friend who I thought would always be there to make me laugh and say the things that everyone was thinking but didn't want to say. A friend I thought would be an uncle to my future children, who would teach them how to love techno and what the really good geeky shows were all about. A man who was supposed to be standing beside my fiancé as his best man at our wedding. He was and will always be the best friend of the love of my life and he passed away last friday. He left behind a beautiful wife, a bouncing baby girl, and a vast clan of family and friends who loved him.

I know he is not really gone. I can feel him still here in his laughter which rings in my ears, his sister's voice, and maybe one day his daughter's as well. I know he is in a better place and he is no longer in pain and I can see the silver lining in that. But he is and will continue to be, sorely missed.